Advice to road users (Full Report)

It’s a very strong advice to all road users to always drive safe and carefully. This single life has got no duplicate.
It happen this evening Wednesday,15th June, 2015, that a tricycle carried full load of people from NNPC second rainbow, mile 2 Lagos heading towards apple junction with full speed as if it Jet Li film, but unfortunately as he got to a very big and busy junction called villa park, he have to slam his brake for other road users to pass but to my serious surprise, the tricycle flew up and with everyone in it and landed with the head leaving all the passenger injured two women and a guy.
The guy fainted cause he’s the one sitting at the middle, but with the help and support of people, he was rescue.
Thanks to the Nigerian police, they came with one of their vehicles to take them away.
Ademowore Adetola (iwitness)

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